Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Essay on Evaluating the Current Law on Abortion - 3636 Words
Evaluating the Current Law on Abortion An abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before the foetus is developed enough to survive outside of the womb (viability). Abortion can be accidental (miscarriage) or deliberate (termination). The legal definition of ‘Abortion’ is the intentional destruction of the foetus in the womb, or any untimely delivery brought about with intent to cause the death of the foetus (William, textbook, 252) Medical definition is the removal or expulsion of the products of conception before, but after, the foetus is ‘viable’ (Butterworths Medical dictionary 2nd edn 1978) However, most people are referring to the medical termination of pregnancy when they talk about†¦show more content†¦The Infant Life Preservation Act 1929 (ILPA 1929,here after) originally was introduced to plug the gap between abortion and the murder of a baby. The act does more, as it imposes so restrictions on the killing of unborn children, before as well as during, birth s1 (1) ‘person who, with intent to destroy the life of a child capable of being born alive, by any wilful act causes a child to die before it has existence independently of its mother shall be guilty of an offence’, of ‘child destruction’, and shall be liable on conviction there of on indictment to imprisonment for life’. It is true that many Abortions are seen to qualify as ‘child destruction’. The offence ‘Child destruction’ was created by the ILPA 1929 s1 (1) it has been preserved by the abortion act 1967 s5 (1) ‘nothing in this act shall affect the provision of the infant lifeShow MoreRelatedSex Selection Abortion By Andrea Mrozek1439 Words  | 6 PagesI have chosen to use an article called, Canada is a Complicit Partner in Sex-Selection Abortion, written by Andrea Mrozek. I found this article on the Huffington Post website. 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