Monday, May 25, 2020
The Earth s Major Water Source - 1295 Words
just how orange it is! But hey, this comes from the same species that calls people with what looks to be orange hair â€Å"red heads†. It also has some similarities to Earth, if our planet’s major water source was in the frozen polar caps and the rest of the planet looked like an orange and rockier Sahara Desert. This is probably on account to Mars’s magnetosphere. Or should I say lack of one (SOMETHING). On Earth, the magnetosphere is responsible for blocking most of the energetic radiation from hitting the surface (SOMETHING). It has been suggested that 4.5 billion years ago, Mars did too have a magnetosphere due to it having a molten core but it has since dissipated as the core cooled (SOMETHING). While there is no global magnetosphere, data†¦show more content†¦Guzmà ¡n is particularly distraught by this as his is was looking forward to sharing all his experiences with his hometown. The Global Rally has instructed us to continue with the mission jus t as before but now we are to pilot the Martian colonies future habitat for ourselves. In addition, we are supposed to send back all the data that was collected while on-route to Mars. I do not particularly care for being a human guinea pig, when life gives you lemons I guess. At least we can still communicate with our families from here, though it just is not the same†¦ I’m being told we need to get started checking on the robots, so I’ll leave it here. Azura out. Azura Mission Log: Entry 9 The robotic excavation seems to be working as they are supposed to as all the robots have gone into hibernation. It’s funny though, there are less habitats than I was expecting for 50,000 people. With the amount of space that has been excavated, you could fit maybe 1,000 people comfortably but after than it would get much too cramped. They must be planning to make more habitats while people are on-route. The insides of the habitats are spectacular though, in the sense that you get the whole â€Å"underground rave scene†vibe from the lastShow MoreRelatedAlternative Energy Sources For Renewable Energy1466 Words  | 6 Pageswill provide clean energy and also preserve Earth s lifespan. The use of renewable and non-renewable resources has been a major controversy throughout history; renewable energy such as wind power has been the main focus of this issue. Many would believe wind energy is the best renewable power source because it is the cleanest and most efficient, w hereas, others view wind energy as a time bomb that will soon destroy the planet. Alternative energy sources should replace non-renewable energy with windRead MoreA Brief Note On The Volcanic Rock Rhyolite1109 Words  | 5 Pages Though that sounds simple, geysers are extremely rare. As of August 2008, the total of active geysers on earth numbered approximately 1000. Conditions must be just right for geysers to occur. Three components must be present for geysers to exist: a combining supply of water, an intense source of heat, and immense plumbing system. Water is common in nature, heat can come from volcanic activity. Geysers scientists and geologists have identified the volcanic rock rhyolite as being particularly effectiveRead MoreEnvironmental Ethics And Environmental History1379 Words  | 6 Pagesmeans that the reason nature exists is to meet our needs and the world s ever increasing increasing wants Stewardship worldview, this view states that we have a responsibility to take care of the earth and that we should use earth s resources for our benefit Environmental wisdom worldview, this view is for the belief that everyone completely depends on nature and that earth is here for every species, man should care for his earth Environmental justice-movement,this view’s issues revolve around equalityRead MoreEssay on Fighting Global Warming 1202 Words  | 5 Pagesbecome a major issue discussed over Medias and governments all over the world today. It is a problem that threatens the whole world because of the destructive impacts it can have on us humans and to the environment. 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This is a growing problem in not only the United States but also around our world todayRead MoreRenewable Energy And Solar Energy921 Words  | 4 Pagesdirect result of differential heating of the Earth s surface which leads to air moving about (wind) and precipitation forming as the air is lifted. Solar energy is the direct conversion of sunlight using panels or collectors. Biomass energy is stored sunlight contained in plants. Other renewable energies that do not depend on sunlight are geothermal energy, which is a result of radioactive decay in the crust combined with the original heat of accreting the Earth, and tidal energy, which is a conversionRead MoreGlobal Warming Should Be The Paramount Struggle Of Our Time967 Words  | 4 Pages It is often said that humans are the largest threat to Earth, but not because of violence between one another. Humans are the largest threat to Earth because we as a species pollute the air, land, and water of the very planet we call home. 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Without natural resources, life on earth does not exist and at the rate that the earth’s human population is growing, resources are running out faster than most are aware of. Finite natural resources, including freshwater, food, and energy (fossil fuels) are quickly diminishing and as a result human existence is put at severe a risk. In today s world freshwater is already scarce and it often times does not meet the needs of the majorityRead MoreThe Problem Of Rapid Population Growth1605 Words  | 7 Pagestime until 1804 to reach a world population of one billion people. Population statistics show that there were 1.6 billion people in 1900 and this figure reached 6 billion before the end of the 20th century. Over the past several decades, the world s population has been growing exponentially. According to the population statistics, this figure is going to ascend to more than 9 billion people by the end of 2050. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Modernism in Paul Rand Essay - 2165 Words
Modernism in Paul Rand Topic 1 Fabrizia Corsi Critical and Cultural Studies Dawn Correia (23rd April 2013) ‘Modernism’ is derived from ‘modo’, a Latin word which means â€Å"just now†( Philosophy Basics. n.d.). Modernism, in its broad explanation includes the different movements related to art in the Europe, initiating from the end of the 19th century till the beginning of 20th century (Design History Mashup, Philip S. , 2008). These latest European movements developed to reject the conventional arts of the previous times. The public, who showed initial controversy to the new ideas, gradually acknowledged them. A major portion of these European movements and the public and political protests were†¦show more content†¦It reminds the readers of the prisoners taken away in the concentration camps and how their Christmas will be. The red dots make the design more promising and meaningful because they can be interpreted in either of the two ways. They can be the blood drops of the prisoners in concentration camps or the people who lost their lives i n the war, or they may symbolize the Christmas decorations (Meggs, 2011). In this cover there is an influence from Cubism. Picasso introduced Cubism which was based upon fragmented images (Guillaume Dorothea, 2012). Such paintings made the viewer connect the parts like a puzzle. The technique of collage was also introduced by Picasso. He represented everyday life by different pictures and materials and integrated them to make a single design. This introduced a 3D outlook on the paintings which also gave a new meaning by the combination of different objects. Rand, inspired by Picasso, followed a similar pattern in the design discussed (Bernard, 2005). He made the cover by collating a number of objects: the barbed wire, the shadow of the wire which indicates space depth suggesting texture, the name card and the double meaning portrayed by the artwork. The constructivist movement has also influenced Rand’s work. This is evident from the use of space geometrically and colors. The colors; red, white and black were prominently used by Russian constructivistShow MoreRelatedPaul Rand: Father Of Modern Graphic Design Essay1794 Words  | 8 PagesWhen Paul Rand died at age 82, his career had spanned six decades and numerous chapters of design history. His efforts to elevate graphic design from craft to profession began as early as 1932, when he was still in his teens. By the early 1940s, he had influenced the practice of advertising, book, magazine, and package design. By the late 1940s, he had developed a design language based purely on form where once only style and technique prevailed (Heller). Rand did not set out to be a radicalRead MorePaul Rand: Father of Modern Graphic Design Essay1820 Words  | 8 PagesWhen Paul Rand died at age 82, his career had spanned six decades and numerous chapters of design history. 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Mook, in their recent Inside Modernism: Relativity Theory, Cubism, Narrative, tell us: quot;... we treat the Special and General Theories of Relativity as important modernist works of art, the most important for our purpose because they contain and express with the highest intensity the values that for us define Modernism.quot; [17] Of course, Vargish and Mook do not define the Relativity Theory as a work of art, they treatRead More Marxism Isnt Dead Essay3751 Words  | 16 Pagesis over is to surrender without struggle an essential means for opposing capitalism. Isnt postmodern theory also such a means? Postmodernists like Lyotard, Foucault, and Derrida also oppose capitalism. (7) But postmodernisms real enemy is modernism as the culmination of Western metaphysics, whose purportedly neutral and universal subject of reason (8) always turns out to be male, white, European and heterosexual. Tacitly excluded are female, colored, colonized and homosexual people. 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Question 10: Multiple Choice Architects who design buildings based on the purpose of the structure are following ___________________. a) Eclecticism b) Modernism c) Post-Modernism d) Functionalism 3.02 Module Pre-Test Question 1: Multiple Choice Which of the following cathedrals is from the Renaissance period? a) b) c) Feedback: The correct answer is c. St. Peters Basilica in Rome is from the Renaissance
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Principles of Project Management - 3022 Words
Table of Contents The principles of project management2 Viability of Projects Success/Failure Criteria4 Additional standard for the projects success/failure6 Calvert Social Index success/failure criteria7 Principles behind project management systems and procedures7 Human and material resources to achieve successful projects8 Information Security Audit System and Procedures 9 Key elements involved in terminating projects and conducting post-project appraisals 9 key elements involved in terminating projects 10 Situations where a terminated project can still be considered again10 References11 Investigate Project Management principles A. Discuss the principles of project management (1.1) 1. The Commitment†¦show more content†¦6. The Single-Point Responsibility Principle This principle is an extension of the management principle and is needed for effective management of the project commitment. Clear communication is very important for the coordination of a complicated project activity. A single channel of communication must exist between the project sponsor and the project team leader for all decisions affecting the product scope. 7. The Cultural Environment Principle Management must provide an informed and supportive cultural environment to ensure that the project delivery team are able to work to the limits of their capacity. Whatever methodology or framework you prefer, it must be modified to suit the requirements and needs of your project. Rather than sticking to methodology, the project manager must be able to get used to procedures to meet the demands of the work in hand. the management of the organization in which the project takes place must be supportive and the environment free of obstacles in the way of project progress. (Wideman, Robert Max; Bing, John A.; Neal, Gerald;, 2000) B. Appraise the viability of at least five (5) project’s success/ failure criteria (1.2) To be successful, a project must have: 1. Agreement or arrangement among the project stakeholders – the project team, customer, project leader skills and management – on the objective of the project. 2. A project plan that shows what is capable, shows an overallShow MoreRelatedPrinciples of Project Management3038 Words  | 13 PagesThe principles of project management2 Viability of Projects Success/Failure Criteria4 Additional standard for the projects success/failure6 Calvert Social Index success/failure criteria7 Principles behind project management systems and procedures7 Human and material resources to achieve successful projects8 Information Security Audit System and Procedures 9 Key elements involved in terminating projects and conducting post-project appraisals 9 key elements involved in terminating projects 10Read MoreThe Principles Of Project Management3083 Words  | 13 PagesTask 1: Project Management Principles The principles of project management has served a purpose to ensure that projects can be completed by helping to strategically plan and predict risk to ensure project success. Projects have been ran from pre historian times and until 1900, projects were â€Å"generally managed by the creative architects and engineers themselves†as there was no recognized profession of project management (Lock, 2007, p.2). The Dixon Company would require the use of project managementRead MoreThe Principles Of Project Management1748 Words  | 7 Pagesclosely related to PMBOK principles of project management, it incorporates the basic belief and put forward a framework for addressing risk and uncertainties within project management domain. This model has been formulated by undertaking serious research involving multiple dimensions. Henceforth, the model presents a solid framework to understand basic project elements and map them accordingly to understand what type of methodologies and skill set will be required by the project manager to effectivelyRead MoreThe Principles Of Project Management2753 Words  | 12 PagesPrinciples of Project Management Assignment Two CSI 5113 Dental Hospital Project Prepared by Crackers IT services Student name Student number Nitin Sharma 10333653 Submitted to David Cook Date of submission: 29//2014 TABLE OF CONTENT 1. EXECTIVE SUMMARY†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 2. INITIATION†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 2.1 BACKGROUND†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 2.2 CURRENT STATE†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 2.3 OBJECTVES†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 2.4 ASSUMPTIONS AND CONSTRAINTS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 2.5 OPTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 2.6 PROJECTRead MoreProject Management Principles Of A Project Manager Essay1319 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Construction projects have always been a very important part of human civilisation. For handling a construction project there need men, money, machinery, material and management. The project would be successful when the project manager has these five variables under control. The key to project success is to pick the right project manager. A right project manager is the person who manages the triple constraints (cost, quality and time), scope and safety for the project to be planned in a correctRead MoreProject Management Principles For Assesing Management1195 Words  | 5 PagesStandards 6.1 Project Management We manage our projects in accordance to PRINCE2 project management principles. KAAN takes the role of assisting a client very seriuously, therefore, we persue every task with utmost precision and expect nothing but the best for our client. In case of errors proven to be commited by us, we tend to raise them as soon as they are identified and would suggest the most accurate solution to rectify it. We tend to be adaptive and flexible with every project we do and tryRead MorePrinciples Of Management Final Project2090 Words  | 9 PagesPrinciples of Management Final Project – A Closer Look at Express-Scripts Express-Scripts is a widely renowned company who grew from a small-town pharmacy into the billion dollar company it is today. Many factors attribute to the growth and success of Express-Scripts and any who take a closer look into how this company came to be soon realize that it has only been through the process of hard-work, dedication, strategic planning and finding just the right niche in the marketplace. Express-ScriptsRead MoreLesson 9-Project Management Principles6103 Words  | 25 PagesProject Management Principals Chapter 6: Executing Projects Note: See the text itself for full citations. An Introduction to Project Management, Third Edition Copyright 2010 2 Learning Objectives ââ€" ¸ ââ€" ¸ List several tasks and outputs of project execution Discuss what is involved in directing and managing project execution as part of project integration management, including the importance of producing promised deliverables, implementing solutions to problems, evaluating work performanceRead MoreMba Project Management, Strategic Planning, Principles Of Marketing And The Real Business World1042 Words  | 5 Pagesbusiness phenomenon better and solve the problem’s effectively, I must explore MBA in depth and so I did my Bachelorette in commerce which includes the courses related to MBA like Project Management, Strategic Planning, Principles of Marketing and so on. I also took the electives like Advertising, Human Resources Management by myself. Case studies in these courses enabled me to link theory with practice and it was through them that I found myself very much interested in market information. MBA withRead MoreEssay on MBA detail course outline1314 Wor ds  | 6 Pages(Evening): 1.5 years (Quarters, 3, 4, 7, 8 14) General Management 1st Quarter Effective : Spring Quarter 2011 Human Resource Management Finance Accounting Banking Finance †¢ Organizational Communication †¢ Organizational Communication †¢ Organizational Communication †¢ Organizational Communication †¢ Principles of Management †¢ Principles of Management †¢ Principles of Management †¢ Principles of Management †¢ Research Methods †¢ Research Methods †¢ Research
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Professional Skills for Information Systems
Question: Discuss about the Professional Skills for Information Systems. Answer: Introduction The study includes the description of the enhancing the business through the integration of various information technology services. The detailed information of the E-business, mobile business, software, hardware, networking infrastructure, business intelligence, collaboration system and the benefit of using social media for promotion is provided in the study. E-business refers to the process of conducting business in the internet. It is comprised of promoting, buying and selling of products along with processing payments, handling production control and servicing clients. BI or business intelligence is the process that is based on the technology-driven to examine information and present reasonable information to assist the executives. The biggest responsibility of BI is to assist in decision making. The key idea behind incorporating the social media utilization in the business is to make promotion and get connected to the clients. In addition, it is very helpful in terms of learning about the audience. E-Business and Mobile Business Analysis of Benefits and Challenges that need to be aware before implementing E-Business Benefits of implementing E-Business The advantages of incorporating e-business are as following. Cost affective: The organization can carry out their business cost efficiently through utilizing the e-business properly. It assists in driving all the objectives in a central place and allows using tactics like email marketing, social marketing and many others. Market expansion: Through the use of the e-business, Mr. Dorothy can move the business to international market from national market and fro that he will need minimum fund. Challenges of implementing E-Business Disadvantages of e-business are as following. Technical Challenges: If the e-business implementation is not good then it can lower the security, reliability and strength of the system. Non Technical Challenges: The initial implementation cost of the electronic business is very high. Characteristics of WEB / Business 2.0 Analysis of the Characteristics of WEB 2.0 Free Classification of Data: It allows user to create free arrangement or classification of information rather just making utilization of present structure of classification. User Experience: It allow flowing of data in both ways, the user can retrieve data along with providing it. It means that the user can also evaluate, comment and upload information. Long Tail: The web 2.0 provides the customer and provider to carry out the services on the basis of monthly or used resources. Addressing of Web 2.0 Characteristics during development of E-Business The organization does not have to depend on the predefined classification such as Yahoo Direct and DMOZ were used to provide. Instead of that, Mr. Dorothy can make use of social tagging technique which refers to creating free arrangements (Pararit School., 2014). Through the use of the web 2.0 the organization will be able to create dynamic pages which enhance the user experience such as they can add a suggestion section in the website. At last the technology can divert their business from direct sell of products to monthly based or resource consumption based services. Types of E-Business Model Need to Consider Selection of Proper E-Business Model for Implementation to the Business (B2C Model) As per the business that the organization carry outs, the business to customer model is the most suitable for the organization. B2C or business to customer refers to the process of reaching customer and providing them a site or application to shop through a cart. The client or visitor can see the available products on the website and choose the required ones from those. After selecting the product the payment will be done by the client and a mail will be sent to the organization (ONeill, 2012). On the basis of the information that the mail comprise of, the product will be shipped off. Figure 1: E-Commerce Business Model (Source: Walker, 2014, pp- 198) Justification for Considering B2C Model Better understanding of client requirement: The organization can discover new and fresh market opportunities through current, sufficient and proper information regarding customer needs. Enhanced client loyalty: It will assist in improving the relation with the customer because of the information gathering at the time of the configuration processes. E-Commerce Tools for Communicating With Client Types of E-Commerce Tools that need to consider for connect and Communicate with Clients MailChimp: No matter how much you evolve, the need of email for communicating with the customer will be needed always. The email marketing is an essential part for making a website successful. Justification: According to an analysis, the conversation margin of email marketing has been 72% more than search and 323% more than social (Johnson, 2011). In addition with that, the e-Retailer who did not make use of email in their holiday store missed big opportunities. The MailChimo is one the best platform available. ZenDesk: A business is nothing without its clients. For that reason the organization must understand the need of keeping the customers happy and fortunately ZenDesk is one of the most popular and effective tool to do that. Justification: The organization will not need concern about the need of fund for full time client service over the phone. It offers client service via almost every potential channel against a price that can be afforded by every organization. E-Commerce Tools for Measuring E-Business Success Google Analytics The chief contraption is one that every business should have on their webstore webpage. Regardless of the way that there are various verifiable favorable circumstances of having Analytics presented on your site, there are a few parts that are essential for those possessed with e-Commerce. Case in point, recognizing change funnels inside Analytics and making events is crucial to see which channels are playing out the best and where your change technique may fight. Lucky Orange: At times Google Analytics isn't adequate. Appallingly most SMBs can't deal with the expense of top rack examination packs. That is the spot Lucky Orange steps in. Offering a sensible examination plan with immense measures of components that you can't get from Google Analytics like visitor "warmth maps," structure examination, and visitor recordings, this is a flat out need for any business that necessities to hint at change learning into how visitors interface with their site ( Hogan,2015). Consideration of Implementing M-Business M-business offers more adaptability than e-business. Representatives can do their work while driving or amid business trips. Administrators can direct virtual gatherings with their full-time representatives and independent advisors, some of whom might telecommute. Client profiles can port flawlessly from the workplace desktop to the cell phone, and quick information exchange can occur between the two. In any case, this adaptability relies on upon a quick and solid system association, since m-business stops if the portable system goes down (IVAN, 2014). E-business administration conveyance is for the most part through the Internet or through secure private corporate systems. M-business permits organizations to move some of its capacities into its field areas. This permits organizations to stay in contact with their partners through data innovation frameworks situated at corporate home office and programming applications dwelling on corporate servers and databases. Advantage and Disadvantage of M-Business (Dr Dorothy Dodo Little) Advantages of m-business are as following Cover wild separation: Versatile is the fundamental development which is as of now wound up critical for any person in social and business life than PCs. Thusly; it is definitely not hard to accomplish customers through mCommerce. Investment funds: Organizations endeavor to reach to the buyer clearly through mCommerce, so customers have no convincing motivation to go far to the store physically and toward the end it extras customer's chance and money. Disadvantages of m-business are as following. Habituate: Each new development has some issue toward the starting stage. Here mCommerce is another application, so now and again individuals evade changing which are rapidly change. As they are habituated to buy things from eCommerce. Hazard variable: Every business has its own specific risk. Same Moblie business is the creating field and an extensive measure of enthusiasm for this field gets the chance to be dangerous. Also, there less security in the remote framework, so in data trade hacking chances are more. Hardware, Software and Networking Infrastructure Development of a Computer Hardware Proposal for E-Business In this context the main hardware that will be needed is the web server .the web servers are the networked computers used to connect with the clients. These web servers are used command and serve different useful data to the client (Picoto et al., 2014). Also the web servers are used to run the different softwares and the most importantly the e business websites. Although the web servers are typically like the regular desktops but the only difference between them is, the web servers requires more processing power, memory and robustness so that they can work for all the time(i.e. 24*7). The cost for the suitable web server for the business in this context is $22.69/month. This is the price provided by the By choosing this plan the organization can save up to 35% of its expenditure than choosing a monthly plan. For the softwares that are required to launch the E- business are the server softwares, different web development tools, database system. Justification: When an existing business organization decides to initiate the e business strategy then it tries to expand its reach to the clients or consumers. But before starting the changeover, the organization should consider that, what are the necessary components that are required for the changeover. Like the hardware, input output technologies and the storage devices, network that is required to store the client and business data. Also the different major types of the softwares that are to be installed into the purchased hardware components. Also the organization has to gain the knowledge about the recent trend of the hardware and software components. Also the organization has to think about the different internet standards, its governance, and the web technologies (Ray , 2012). Since in the E-business, the internet is the platform where the client can reach to the products off the organization. Hardware requirement for high-activity websites depends on the following issues, n umber of visitors every second; number of transactions/second; number of inquiries/second; number of sql queries executed by RDBMS every second; number of pages served to the visitors. Some different elements that should be considered when setting up a high activity e-trade site includes i.e. clustering of the backup servers that automatically take over the control of operations if there should arise an occurrence of any failure. Development of a Computer Software Proposal for E-Business Web server helps in managing and interactions with the server's hardware parts so that the requests from the clients can be handled smoothly and effectively. Client computers requests for the contents like, records, photographs or different documents and server software guarantees that the response is sent back to the customer machine with the required content(Sivasubramanian et al, 2014). Let an end user visits in a web server, the web server software determines that a particular data is asked by the end user, so it responds to the demand and serves the user. There are numerous server softwares are available which can be used for web server, application server, database servers. Some of the well known server softwares are the Apache,, IIS, nginx and the GWS. These products come from the vendors Apache, Microsoft, NGNIX Inc, and Google respectively. This web server softwares are freely available. From all the above server softwares the IIS comes with the windows bundle a nd is specific for Windows NT platforms. Justification: To build an effective e-business site and keep up the level of performance by it the business organization needs to enable one or more than one business processes. Therefore to align the business needs with the business requirements and client needs, organizations need to deploy some system as well as the application software are to be installed and operated(Svig, 2015). Therefore its necessary for the organization to deploy the server softwares so that servers can handle different client pressure at any point of time. Therefore the deployment of the system softwares as well as the application softwares is compulsory for the growth of the business and organization. Many software companies provides the outsourcing services to the e-business organizations so that the companies can decrease the expenditure to own the software system by leasing them and increase the revenue from the business. Development of a Networking and Communications Proposal for E-Business The company should try to outsource the task of the designing the webpage and the maintenance of it to some experts who have a proven track record in the development industry. It will help not only in the selling the products to the larger market also in enhancing the different business processes (Russ et al., 2014). Again the integration of network between the web and physical store also improve the quality of the different online and offline operations. In the network architecture the most required part is secured networks. This have the components like DMZ(demilitarized done). It is used to keep away the servers, which are providing the services to the clients through the internet from the core of the network. For the payment systems, although it is not the part of the home network but implementing the secured electronic transmission (SET) model the payment system or portal can be made more secured to increase the security related to the payments. This payment system consist of the certification authority, payment gateway etc. Diagram for Proposed Network and Hardware Infrastructure to Help Dr Dorothy Dodo Little Proposed Network Infrastructure Diagram Figure 2: Network Infrastructure for Dr Dorothy Dodo Littles Business (Created by Author using Cisco Packet Tracer) Proposed Secured Network Infrastructure Diagram Figure 3: Secured Network Infrastructure for Dr Dorothy Dodo Littles Business (Created by Author using Cisco Packet Tracer) Business Intelligence Use of Business Intelligence Reporting of operation: Reporting of business operations is the most generic way of making use of the business intelligence. It indicates the path of utilizing actual to create a stack of goals. Estimating: Through the forecasting the organization will be able to understand the need of the resources for conducting business and moving it forward to the benefit. Dashboard: The dashboards will be used for the sole purpose of flashing the information at once. The presentation of the data is very crucial and dashboard will be useful (Aloui et al., 2015). Multidimensional Examination: The collected data will need to be analyzed for the sake of gathering the proper and useful information. It will be helpful for the organization in terms of separating useful information from the garbage one. Finding Co-relation: Through the identification of connection between various factors within the business will be useful for making proper share of resources within the organization. Business Intelligence and Decision Making: Use of Data Mining to gain Competitive Advantages Business learning is the rising class of IT applications that usage information focal points for help in better fundamental administration (Berthon et al., 2012). An arrangement of instruments and methodologies, for instance, data mining, farsighted examination and data discernment are used to give gainful bits of learning into past, present and future business estimations. BI applications serve a fundamental limit in achieving operational efficiency, joined orchestrating and coordination and watching. Affinity Investigation: This method examines items/administrations purchased by a client, which can then be connected to enhance item designs in block and-mortar stores, or related item suggestions for online retail outlets. The "wicker container" alludes to the accumulation of things chose by one purchaser amid their shopping campaign. Sales Predicting: The point of this procedure is to take a gander at when clients purchase certain items, and when they are prone to purchase once more. The technique can then be utilized for stock administration or arranged out of date quality system (Cavusgil et al., 2014 ). In the same vein, you can recognize what number of clients purchase which items inside your online store and what number of don't and how you can target them to motivate them to end up your clients. Database Promotion: The thought behind this method is to make item gathers that can offer themselves. This is finished via cautious examination of client demographics, psychographics and purchasing propensities (Hofmann Klinkenberg, 2013). Databases of client data can be extremely important for your online and logged off advertising groups, however these databases must be always overhauled to guarantee they mirror the most recent condition of the business sector Types of Data Mining that Best Suit for Current Business Loneedition of Reality: It gives unsurprising information ceaselessly over the endeavor, in this way abstaining from common contentions on the authenticity of data. It moreover pictures information through noteworthy dashboards to consider made essential authority. Metric Trees: Business execution estimations are related to KPIs and are figured at various levels inside the attempt (Clifton, 2012). Estimations are associated with each other to make a metric tree, which interfaces the low-level execution estimations with anomalous state result measures. The bright triangle: One can suspect impact of changes in points of interest and business case. These arrangements with the tradeoff between spending arrangement, time and quality. Business showing: It catches business progression in powerful and straightforward models. These are valuable for affectability investigation; reenactment and situation based basic leadership. Observing in opposite, aggressive ahead: It doesn't depend just on eminent data to research the future, yet organizes outside and inside data for better gaging and insightful investigative limits (Egorova et al., 2013). It is crucial for endeavors to be particularly taught and take quick, assurance based decisions in the dynamic business focus. Business information offers a prepared course of action of game plans that interface with existing IT base and bring out huge encounters. Best Data Mining Process for the Organization: The Tanagra tool will be used for implementing data mining process in the organization as it will be able to analyze the request of the customers properly and differentiate the various factors in the data. Figure 4: Structure for Data Mining (Source: Picoto, Belanger Palma-dos-Reis, 2014, pp- 591) Types of Business Intelligence Tool that Suit for the Business As of rendition 7, the BOARD toolbox includes an administration situated engineering that depends intensely on Microsoft innovation, particularly the .NET Framework with its Windows Communication Foundation (Crutzen et al., 2012). This considers a tight combination with other Microsoft items, for example, Microsoft Office, yet requires Windows keeping in mind the end goal to run the full customer, a confinement which has been distinguished by Gartner as a conceivable component for keeping a more profound business sector penetration. In 2012, the organization presented a redesign of its restrictive multidimensional database that BOARD depends on. This new innovation was marked as HBMP or Hybrid Bitwise Memory Pattern. It presented another pressure strategy and joins circle based and in-memory database approaches (Han Chou, 2014). It underpins both social and multidimensional information models. Collaboration Systems Benefits from the Collaborative systems Collaborative systems with the External Partners The collaboration between businesses organizations are needed to survive in the competitive business world and to get the help from the other company to grow. The collaborative effort the two companies can be the ways in which the personnel of both the companies can enhance their relationship as well as their individual skills (Almahamid Hourani, 2015). Again in case of marketing and market share, when two companies collaborate with each other then both of them get the market of the other companies. It is possible for the companies to market and sell their products to a larger market and increase their profit, revenue. The structured and unstructured collaboration For the structured collaboration there is restricted follow those rules. Whereas, the unstructured collaboration, it provides much more independence in case of following the rules and the regulations. The unstructured collaborations use some of the best guidelines and rules. The unstructured collaboration approach gives the independence of choosing the way the employees want to use the different collaboration tools and platforms (Zhu, 2015). But the best way is to use the combination of the structure and unstructured collaboration so that a larger number of employees of both the companies should be engaged in the collaboration process. At the end the collaborative organizations have to decide that at which point they restrict their employees and where to give freedom. Better and faster decision making: By providing important and relevant data at the proper time of need through structure, subscription, and backing, a knowledge management system can provide the base for making sound judgments or decisions. Coordinated efforts bring the force of large number of employees opinions, and different experiences when choices or decisions are to be made (Webb, 2012). The reuse of information in the knowledge base helps in taking decisions that are based on the real experience, and useful lessons learned in the past. Providing important information faster and wider in the organization: In present business scenario every employee is working with the valuable data information, either totally or to some extent. The employees need information to carry out their role in the organization properly, yet the employees have to suffer due to the availability of different sources (Weill Vitale2013). So it is to be determined that how can employees focus on relevant sources so that they can get valuable, and convenient data without suffocating in lots of emails, visiting many sites, or reading huge amounts of printed documentations. Using the knowledge to deliver better service: In this competitive marketplace, it is essential to make ability to separate the organizations diversifications from the competitors. This can do by exhibiting the expertise in the specific field to the potential and current clients. This advantage can help the clients to begin or keep working with the organization (Walker, 2014). On the other hand, inability to do as such could abandon the organization defenseless against contenders who can show their insight administration abilities and advantages to the clients. Benefits of Content Management Systems Benefits that can gain by using Knowledge Management System to the Business Flexibility for the developer end: the content management system can be used by the non technical people so that they can publish contents and help the developers to concentrate on the functionality. Easy management of the pages: An approved user by the organization or the company can update the contents very easily without the complications of the software and programming issues. Separation of the design: In CMS the design part of the site is separated from the content part hence the editor can edit the content of the page without worrying about accidentally changing the design of the page. Selection of Explicit Knowledge Assets that Managed the System and Justification The explicit knowledge can be defined by the knowledge that can be coded, stored in a certain storage devices or media. The different knowledge assets are considered as the intellectual properties of an organization and are intangible (Vecchione et al., 2016). In this context it is advised to select the Zendesk, a California based company that provides customer services utilizing softwares. It also helps in quick and easy interaction between the business organization and clients. The company can handle the different client mails, calls, and other queries. By its different cloud based products like Voice, Zopim, BIME, it can help in developing the knowledge asset for the e-business organization. Justification: The explicit knowledge should be managed for the organization so that that it can improve the business performance by avoid the mistakes that are done previously. Also the explicit coded or documented knowledge can be used to define new strategies for the business too. Benefits of Using Content Management System Benefits of Using Content Management System to Business Different access levels: the business organizations can set different access levels for the different users so that the contents can be checked and approved before they go live and publicized (Pararit School, 2014). Scalability to the devices: The CMS help the page or the site to spontaneously fit to the different screens of the devices. Friendly to the search engines: The CMS also helps in optimizing the business website so that the users can find the site easily and get the information. Updating the site: The CMS also notifies the editor so that whenever there is a change I done in the content then it can be reviewed (McBride, 2015). It is done so that no wrong information about the organization can be conveyed to the clients or the users of the site. Selection of Content Management System that would be valuable to Business and Justification For the e-business of the company, the organization can choose the Magneto. Since this CMS includes all the packages that a startup needs (Liang Fan, 2012). Also it helps in creating rich experience for the clients. Also the ease of configuring the magneto also helps the E-business. Justification: The large number of tools helps in retaining the old clients and attracting the potential clients. As result, it helps in the growth of the business. Most importantly the magneto helps the business site to be founded on the search engine result pages too. Therefore, the users can find the site easily. Social Media Consideration of Using Social Media as an Avenue for Communicating The organization will be assisting the organization to promote business in the internet more effectively. The current and potential customers can continuously come across with the brand of the organization (Dahlberg, 2015). The brand quality of the organization will be enhanced. Social Media Presences of Three Other Businesses That Sell Similar Products to Dr Dorothy Dodo Littles Figure 4: Social Media Presence of World for Pets Figure 5: Social Media Presence of Pet Place Figure 6: Social Media Presence of Pets Haven Foundation Development of a Draft of Social Media Policy for the Business Representatives are permitted to partner themselves with the organization when posting yet they should plainly mark their online posts as individual and absolutely their own (Gehl, 2015). The organization ought not to be held at risk for any repercussions the workers' substance may create. Disreputable substance, for example, racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, and physical inability slurs are not endured. The organization will maintain whatever authority is needed to alter or change any deceptive or erroneous substance delineated in blog entries (Jensen ,2015.) 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